I've been making lemoncello this week. Meyer lemon lemoncello. For those of you that don't know what lemoncello is, it's a wonderful spring/summer after dinner drink that is tangy and slightly sweet. My aunt home makes lemoncello and it is always incredible. I can't wait to try mine. Right now Costco has Meyer lemons in 2lbs for like 7$ which is a total steal. I made two batches, the tester has been infusing for a week, and the second just started today. I love it so much, I'll even share the recipe here. Lemoncello makes 2 batches (adapted from Bon Appitet) 2lbs Meyer Lemons 8 cups good vodka (at least 80 proof) 6 cups sugar (It is a good idea to use organic lemons for this because of the prolonged contact with the zest.) Peel lemons in long strips making sure to only get the yellow part not the gross white part. Combine the zest and the vodka into a bottle. (I just used the vodka bottle for this part). Infuse for 1-2 weeks at room temperature. Juice lemons, throw...
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