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Showing posts from December, 2011

High Waisted Skirt and S'More Bites

Hey it's Christmas time, and my little fingers have been hard at work, designing and crafting for loved ones all around. I have to say, Pintrest has been AMAZING in keeping my ideas down to earth and actually feasible. It doesn't help for the multiply of them though. I have to share the skirt that I made (with no pattern) and sorry, I can't give away the original photo or tutorial, since I don't hold the copyright to either. And for those that love reading and eating (sometimes simultaneously) I made the easiest thing ever last night with some of my lady friends, and we ate every single one. They were that great. S'More Bites Using crescent rolls (prepackaged and unbaked), unroll on counter. At the wide end, sprinkle 5-6 choc chips and 3-4 mini marshmallows. Roll and bake according to directions. Try not to inhale all as soon as they come out of the oven. YUM!